Wednesday, June 8, 2016

road trip adventures - part 3

Yesterday, we laid low because the weather was pretty bad. Surprisingly, little Harry has been handling the weather situation fairly well. There have been a few tense moments with him, but all told, he's been managing his anxiety pretty well which is a small victory for all of us!

Yesterday we played a lot of games, mostly "Apples to Apples". Abbey devised a way for the dog to play and she almost beat all of us. Thankfully, the dog has settled in at Aunt Donna's and has been behaving very well.

Today we managed to hit the water park at Legoland before the rain moved in. This time, instead of just telling Harry not to worry, we showed him the weather app with an hour by hour forecast so he could see that the rain would be a few hours off. Thanks to his internal clock, he was able to have fun and only started asking to leave about 30 minutes before the chance of rain increased. This is life with an anxious/ASD kid. It's always a fine balance between pushing them past their comfort zone and still giving them some structure to help them through.

Aunt Donna left today for Vancouver to teach some classes, so we are basically squatting in her home until we leave for our next stop on the way to Texas. We're supposed to camp for a few nights in the Pensacola area and yes, we have reservations. That's not an experience any of us wants to relive anytime soon!

I've decided tomorrow is aquarium day. The boys may stay behind, but the girls and I are looking forward to some garden eels. There's a little downtown area nearby with a daiquiri shop that we may need to visit as well. Hey, mommy needs a slushie now and then too!


shiveringchihuahua said...

Hey, can you post pictures of the inside of the camper? I'm dying to see....

cajunamy said...

It's very nice inside. When we get set up at the next campground I'll post them. It's a bit claustrophobic for me, but that's what Xanax is for!