Tuesday, June 23, 2009

sleep deprivation sucks!

Don't let this peaceful lady fool you! This is not me. This is what I hope to be at some time in my life again.

With Harry out of town again, I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I swear the children are out to get me sometimes. We've had lots of rough nights over the years - what with little Harry's ability to sustain himself on about 3 hours sleep. Then we had the baby. We hoped that she would be a "good" sleeper, but we were wrong.
The only time she actually sleeps all night long is when she is getting sick. Then we have several nights of torture.

Last night was particularly fun:
9:30 - yes, everyone is asleep
10:00 - I'm asleep
11:00 - Anna Kate is awake
11:25 - I'm asleep
2:30 - Anna Kate is awake
3:00 - I'm asleep
5:00 - Anna Kate is up and this one will take a bottle to get her back to sleep. So I shuffle to the kitchen. On my way, I step on a suspicious item in the hallway and encounter a wet spot on the carpet. After Anna Kate has her bottle and is asleep, I go to check what I've found. There's a small turd (courtesy of Iris the cat) on the floor in the hall that I've squished with my foot, and Lucy (the dog) has peed on the carpet. Why I don't know. I let her out before I went to bed. So I get it all cleaned up and go to the bathroom to wash my hands, when, yeah - I step in cat pee left for me by Iris. Get that all cleaned up, head to bed and finally fall asleep around 5:45 thinking I'll have until at least 7.
6:07 - little Harry shows up. He lies down, but rolls around and rubs my arms furiously which is what he does when he's tired.
6:30 - I kick him out with strict instructions to be quiet
7:07 - "Mommy time to get up", Harry says. He informs me that the sun is in the sky and I need to be up. I mumble something about a rough night and 10 more minutes. He tries to argue, but gives up. Did I mention that I hear Anna Kate now too?
7:17 - Anna Kate demands attention and so I'm up for the day.

Maybe Anna Kate will take a long nap this morning? Oh, and did I mention that the ants that keep trying to invade my home are still finding and unknown way in? I can't wait for Harry to get home! I miss him and love him lots, but right now, I just want some sleep and his being here will get me that. Maybe little Harry will get a bigger portion of his sleep medication tonight.

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