Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Another one down

Here I am writing yet another eulogy for a another pet. This time it is in honor of Seeds the hamster. He wasn't your typical roly-poly type hamster. He was a new-fangled breed called a dwarf hamster. These little guys are smaller than a regular hamster and have an interesting trait I'll explain shortly (besides the black stripe down the back).

I'll never forget the day we got Seeds. It's burned permanently into my brain as a shining example of what NOT to do. Abbey had been asking for a hamster for so long and saved up her money for him (not easy to do when you only get $2/week). So, once she saved up about $20 we trekked down to the pet store. Me, her, and Harry. There the fun began. Harry was much younger (by about 3 years) and much less patient. He was waiting in the cart while Abbey looked at all the hamsters she saw. No problem - yet.

When Abbey finally chose the one she wanted to see, she got to go in the special little room at the pet store to "play" with him. Here's where it started. Harry wanted out. I said no. He pitched a fit, I still said no. He started screaming, I said no. He tried to unbuckle the strap for the cart - oops! He figured it out! Then the war started. While I attempted to walk Abbey through this decision, I had to fight with Harry to keep him in the cart. All of this was going on and they sales guy clearly saw I was in over my head.

Abbey declared Seeds "the one", we got all of the stuff needed for a small rodent, and hustled our selves out of that store with Harry still screeching and my pushing him down in the seat trying to bribe him with anything I could think of.

Later, when we got home and I had a chance to look at the paperwork, I discovered the joy of this breed of hamster. They were only recently domesticated, so if you don't play with them every few days - wait for it - THEY GO WILD AGAIN! What had I done? This little guy bit us every chance he got (and it hurt). He escaped a few times and barely made it once (the dog was present).

Still, he taught Abbey that you had to love the ones that don't always love you back. He also taught her some responsibility and darn it, he was cute even if he was borderline wild. In some ways, we'll miss this little guy.

PS- Did I mention it took Abbey about 15 minutes to start speculating on the possibility of getting another hamster? If she ever does, I'm not taking Harry with me this time and I'm not getting any new-fangled breeds thank you very much!

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