Thursday, March 12, 2009

sick kids!

Can I just say from the outset how sick I am of sick kids? At home and at work I am surrounded! I've seen quite a bit this fall and someone in my house has been sick for 6 weeks. Somehow, abbey managed to avoid it all - until yesterday. Now she's sick and I'm home with all 3 (Harry had early release). The whining and crying is almost more than I can stand and I haven't even started talking about them yet! Honestly, I hate it when the little ones are sick. You feel powerless and want to make it all better. What's funny to me is how they all act differently when ill. Abbey wants me like glue to her side, Harry wants to be in our vicinity, but left alone and Anna Kate wants to be help non-stop (more like her sister than I thought..). Alas, I keep telling myself that this too will pass. It has to right?

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