Monday, March 16, 2009

exercise isn't for wimps

Ok - I'll admit it. I hate to exercise. I know I should and given the health history of my family, it would be a good thing. The thing is - I hate doing it. So I decided to try classes. Great in theory - go with people I know, suffer through the class, and feel a sense of accomplishment when I complete the class. Here's the problem - my precious, beautiful baby doesn't want me to. I know what you're thinking - yeah right. But it's true! Each time I've tried, she's melted down in the "childcare center" leaving me to have to calm her down in order to try again. I keep finding myself wondering if it's even worth it.

Of course I know that my baby isn't trying to sabotage me, but somedays it feels like it! As a "responsible" mom, I know that I need to set a good example for my children (That's why I don't eat the cookies when they can see me - I wait until they go to bed!). So for now, we'll just have to keep trying the class and if need be, switch where I exercise so I can be healthy and live long enough to see them have these struggles with their own children. At which point, I will smile knowingly and offer to babysit (and then give those grandbabies some cookies!).

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