Friday, August 13, 2010

testing and ant updates

Hi all - I am trying out this way of linking my blog to my profile which is the main reason I am writing a post.

As a follow-up to the ant situation here goes: the borax/sugar mixture actually worked well, but I went ahead and bought some bait traps that seem to have done the job. We have had a stray ant or two today, but so far none tonight. Thank goodness they are gone. Now, if we could just get the new fridge....

Did I mention Harry is shopping online for it? I'm fascinated by how it's going to get here. I keep picturing UPS or FedEx showing up with this gigantic box. When I asked him how they ship them, he looked at me with this blank look and said "that's what shipping companies are for". So much for my imaginings of UPS rolling up the driveway with my new appliance. Moving companies seem so much more boring and anti-climatic than going to the store and having it delivered, but if we can save some big money this way, then I'm all for it!

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