Saturday, August 7, 2010

ants and fridge problems

Apparently, nothing good really happens while Harry is out of town. He's been gone for a few days and my house has gone to the ants! The problem started a few days ago, and now I am in a never-ending struggle to rid myself of these menaces. They are the little black ones, so thankfully, they don't bite. "What have you tried?" you may ask. Well here goes:
  1. Vinegar water solution: didn't even kill them or slow them down
  2. Smash technique - therapeutic, but not effective at getting to the nest
  3. Tonight at 2:30am I got up for water. Found them swarming an EMPTY sink and counter (yes, I cleared everything off today).
  4. I've just laid out some borax mixed with sugar. Supposedly, this is another "green" way to get rid of them. I'm not hopeful
  5. Tomorrow - er..later today, I am going to the store to buy ant traps.
So you're probably thinking, just find the nest and poison that. No can do. They don't come from a particular spot and swarm my whole counter. I even removed the outlet cover and carefully, but with great revenge in my heart, sprayed ant spray while praying I wouldn't electrocute myself. My husband did it once so why can't I?

What these ants don't know is the level of stubbornness they are dealing with. There is a lot in my life I can't control, so somehow, I am just BEGGING for a project like this. Clear-cut and to the point - find and kill the ants. I'll let you know how the traps go.

In other news, our 15 year-old fridge is just about dead (again, right as Harry was leaving town). Last month we were looking at new ones and he decided to wait since ours was still perfectly good. I acquiesced, but expressed my concern. See our house is 15 years-old, so the spot to put the fridge can only accommodate a 35 inch model. All of the new, fancy ones with freezers on the bottom and fridge on top and water in the door are wider than that. My concern was that if we waited for the current fridge to die, we wouldn't have the luxury of shopping around. Turns out I may be right.

My neighbors, God bless them, came to my rescue again. They sell ice cream on the weekends and brought me a freezer that I can dial down to use for the fridge items (we had a small freezer that I moved frozen foods to a few days ago). Now, I'm afraid we'll be using that cooler for a week while my wonderfully thrifty husband shops around; or worse, looks for some "part" to attempt to repair the 15 year-old beast.

Stay tuned for more exciting adventures from our family *sarcasm intended!*.

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