Friday, October 15, 2010

It isn't Facebook itself...

I've decided that I am just about done with Facebook. When I first started, I was very careful about who I "friended". Then I started accepting requests from people I knew, but sometimes only remotely. I am always careful about what I post - what you post stays out there for everyone to see. If you delete it  - chances will be that someone saw it anyway. I never post anything I wouldn't say to a roomful of people.

When I was in Junior/Senior high, I was subjected to lots of drama by my "friends". Hurtful things happened and were said which left me feeling powerless. I was afraid the same thing would happen on FB, which was why I avoided people I didn't know, etc.

Since this is public forum, I won't go into the details, but things made it back to me this week regarding a post by a "friend" on Facebook, but someone I know in real life as well. The post - while I never saw it, from what I was told, was hurtful and mean depending on the interpretation of the acronyms and context.

She misunderstood a situation and reacted which caused drama and stress for me and her. Once again, I find myself feeling like I did as a teenager and am hating it. Clearly, I have issues, but I REALLY wanted to leave drama behind. This person and I have talked and we'll move past this, but the wake of the event is there and has to be dealt with. People tell me I take things too seriously, but this is who I am.

Even though she has "unfriended" me (not the first person to do so, but at least I have an explanation this time),  but it got me thinking. Why is FB important to me? Why did I get an account in the first place. What do I want from it? Really, I wanted a way to quickly connect with people I knew, friends, and family. Share funny stories, cute pictures, etc. My friends list has grown too large and I've done some trimming. Mostly people I haven't had any direct contact with in a long time. I gave a brief explanation, then culled the list. I may trim out more.

I'm almost ready to delete the account altogether, but then I see things like a picture of my sweet new niece, a word of encouragement from my brother, a zinger from my NY friend, or an amusing quip by one of my besties, then I decide to leave the account active and just enjoy the people I see or talk to a lot. For now at least....

1 comment:

shiveringchihuahua said...

Oh geez. What happened? We'll talk tomorrow. I'll buy you a caffeine free pepsi or something...