Sunday, June 13, 2010

What was that?

I'm not sure what I saw today, but I feel like I've been run over by a mack truck.

Our Preschool Director was fired this week. From what I've been able to determine, it wasn't because of her job performance, but rather for "personnel issues". We as a staff went to the church to give her support as she said good-bye.

The pastor refused to let her speak, so her husband stood to address the crowd. Then it turned ugly. I won't go into the specifics, but what I saw was not a good witness to the people there today.

I love our director and have been proud to work for her. She is good at her job and I will miss her so much.

The display today worries me more than anything else. What does it say to new believers, or people on the fence. How did today's actions hurt the kingdom? The pastor defended his position, but at what cost?

I am so sad for what happened; however, God is still in heaven and still in control. His plans are what will be the final outcome. Now I will be praying for the people who were there today.  I also want to pray for myself that I will not have a hardened heart, but know I am where I am for a reason.  The families and the children are still what really matters. Showing them God's love and acceptance - not bitterness or scorn or unforgivness. Now more than ever, I'm on mission there.

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